
So, the devs who have confirmed that they are going are:

Definitely both days: tigger, lcars, slarti, cryos, tomk

(Possibly) Wednesday only: strerror, herbs

If you aren't on that list and should be tell me.

I've made a lame rota thing for manning the booth, I've been as fair as
I could. If you wanna swap "shifts" with others that's fine, but let me
know so that at least one person knows who is meant to be where when :)

Particularly if the people who might only be make one day can actually
make both, we'll try and squeeze you into a shift on the second day as

I've not repeated any pairings so that we all get to enjoy the company
of as many other devs as possible...or something.


        09:30-11:30 - slarti cryos
        11:30-13:30 - strerror lcars
        13:30-15:30 - tomk herbs
        15:30-17:00 - tigger strerror
        09:30-11:30 - tomk cryos
        11:30-13:30 - slarti tigger
        13:30-16:00 - lcars cryos

The show opens to exhibitors at 8:30am both days and I should be there
around that time both days. The show opens to the public at 9:30 both

Everyone mentioned above will have an Exhibitor pass waiting for them at
the desks when they arrive.

Wednesday evening we'll be at the Lonix social event. Thursday evening
we'll probably pop out for a drink before heading home I imagine.

If there is a danger of you being late or not able to make it at all
please email me/ping me on IRC and get my mobile number so you can let
me know.

Cheers, and see you there! :)


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