On Sun, Oct 02, 2005 at 11:07:13PM +0200, Francesco R wrote:
> The ready to cut ebuild at the bottom print it's environment (variable
> and functions) to a bunch of files into /var/tmp/fakebuild/.
> May be useful for who want to have a look at "what" and "when" is
> avaible during the various emerge phases (but not limited to).
> print_env() {
>     local fakebuild_output_dir="/var/tmp/fakebuild"
>     mkdir -p "${fakebuild_output_dir}" || die
>     [[ -z "${fakebuild_progr}" ]] && fakebuild_progr=100
>     fakebuild_progr=$(( $fakebuild_progr +1 ))
>     export fakebuild_progr
>     local fakebuild_ext="${1}.${fakebuild_progr}"
>     # not sorting, break multiline vars
>     einfo "${fakebuild_output_dir}/env_${fakebuild_ext}"
>     env \
>         &> "${fakebuild_output_dir}/env_${fakebuild_ext}"
>     # Remove egrep and sort to see the source of every fx
>     einfo "${fakebuild_output_dir}/fxlist_${fakebuild_ext}"
>     typeset \
>         | egrep '^\b.* \(\)' \
>         | sort \
>         &> "${fakebuild_output_dir}/fxlist_${fakebuild_ext}"
> }

This won't work as you expect.  Env is a binary, it only gets 
the exported env.

Elaborate on the "what and when" bit also, since the env that's dumped 
to ebuild.sh varies depending on a lot of things.


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