Dave Nebinger wrote:

I may be a bit of-base, but since I don't know much about the ruby gems, I'm wondering how close of a situation this is with the perl cpan modules? They're integrated to operate using the distribution process of both cpan and portage...

They are similar. There is a project called g-gem [1] that uses the gems.eclass to generate ebuilds.

A few of us had a good talk on Eggs on yesterday on irc and came up with
a few proposals. I've setup SVN/Trac[2] so we can get things organized.
Theres a very quickly dished-out eggs.eclass and test ebuild on the
Trac site.

[1] http://rubyforge.org/projects/g-gem/
[2] http://eggs.gentooexperimental.org/

Rob Cakebread
Gentoo Linux Developer
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