Hi All, recently Stuart and I came up with idea to consolidate development of all Virtualization systems in Gentoo.
Virtualization is a framework or methodology of dividing the resources of a computer into multiple execution environments. Virtualization techniques create multiple isolated partitions (Virtual Machines (VM) or Virtual Private Servers (VPS)) on a single physical server. There are several kinds of virtualization techniques which provide similar features but differ in the degree of abstraction and the methods used for virtualization. First technique: Virtual Machines (e.g. VMWare, MS VirtualPC) Second technique: Para-Virtualized Machines (e.g. UML, Xen) Third technique: Virtualization on the OS Level (e.g. Linux-VServer, OpenVZ aka Virtuozzo) A more detailed comparision can be found at [1]. We'd like to encourage everyone who is interested in Virtualization development in Gentoo to join #gentoo-vps (or reply to the list) and participate in the planning of this effort. Cheers! [1] http://openvz.org/documentation/tech/virtualization -- gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list