On Thu, 2005-10-20 at 12:17 -0700, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> |>See
> |>http://dev.gentoo.org/~spyderous/xorg-x11/porting_to_modular_x_howto.txt.
> |
> | That file says there won't be any x11-related virtuals anymore. Are
> you sure
> | no package uses it in the sense of 'any X server' instead of 'any X
> client
> | libs+headers'?
> I'm not aware of any. The only similar thing I'm aware of is a few
> incredibly broken packages that require Xvfb at build time.

I know that we have used it to mean "requires an X server locally" for
some games.

> If there are packages that need to run any X server at build time,
> they're even more broken.

Nah, these were RDEPEND.  There's probably a better way to go about it
anyway.  If you've got any ideas, I'd love to hear them, as this is
something I'm going to have to tackle shortly.

> | Firstly, as I said in my other replies, this would change the current
> meaning
> | of the X USE flag. The original meaning would stay without a flag.
> |
> | Today it means 'enable support for clienside X11'. You want to make it
> mean
> | 'install X11 server'. If I'm building a headless box without an X11
> server,
> | but I do want to emerge KDE and run it over ssh -Y from another box, I
> need
> | two useflags to specify this. But even if we introduce a new USE flag
> | 'Xserver', on by default where X is on by default, and used as you
> describe
> | above, the problems I describe below will remain.
> Does it really mean that? How about all of the X USE flags in font
> ebuilds? They mean basically what I'm saying.

...or games ebuilds.  Apparently, we've been doing it wrong for a while,
too.  Granted, many of these games *also* happen to require libX11, but
not all of them do.

> | Secondly, there can be more than one X11 server (kdrive, etc).
> Depending on
> | xorg-server is bad. If anything, we should introduce a virtual/x11-server.
> |
> | Thirdly, it's a 'convenience dep': whether xorg-server is installed or
> not
> | won't affect the behavior of KDE in any way (given a working DISPLAY
> | setting).
> Right, the intent is to basically say "I'm part of the 90% of users who
> has X installed locally and wants things to just work."


> | deciding which fonts KDE should depend on :-)
> Selected arbitrarily by the x11 team based on requirement, common use
> and prettiness factor. Probably font-misc-misc, font-bh-ttf,
> font-adobe-utopia-type1 and maybe some others that are brought to my
> attention.

Nnnoooo! No Type1 bloat! :P

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
x86 Architecture Team
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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