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Duncan wrote:
> Stuart Herbert posted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> excerpted below,  on Mon, 31 Oct 2005 19:05:33 +0000:
>>The original problem is that GWN, forums, planet.g.o, gentoo-dev - even
>>together, we've seen that they just don't reach enough of our user base.
>>Aren't we just going to reach the same people by putting more news in
>>the same old place?  How is that going to reach the people we're not
>>reaching today?
> There is /one/ way to reach /everyone/ doing an upgrade (well, those that
> do emerge -a or -p, anyway, and those that don't, well... they apparently
> /like/ being left in the dark, and doing perhaps risky upgrades without
> knowing what's going on, so let's not disturb their "enjoyment" <g>).
> That ONE way: Push a "null" portage -rX upgrade to both stable and ~
> versions, the sole purpose of which is to print the *VITALLY* *IMPORTANT*
> *ANNOUNCEMENT* as an einfo both after the "upgrade", and as part of the
> "portage will stop merging at this point and recalculate" message one gets
> with a -p or -a.  (For double-sure effect, make the first emerge action
> after the upgrade /only/ print the message, doing nothing else.  Further
> emerges would then go back to normal behavior.)

Cramming this info in portage is stupid, because portage is supposed to
be NON-interactive. Does anyone really expect users to sit and stare at
the output of a compile (openoffice takes HOURS to compile) waiting for
an einfo to pass by?

Perhaps printing out an URI after portage is done would be useful:


Publishing the info on a webpage also allows you to view the info from
another computer if you seriously b0rk something during an upgrade.
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