Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

>On Thu, 3 Nov 2005 16:42:51 +0000 Tom Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>| There are currently 1066 open bugs assigned to
>| Could everyone please take a moment to scan through them?
>Here's a more useful list. It's a summary of the maintainer-wanted
>ebuilds which are fairly unlikely to utterly suck. If anyone else wants
>to help out with the REVIEWED tagging, feel free. You can get canned
>responses to the most common screwups from [1].

>102928: ebuild for media-sound/lltag
>102931: Ebuild for media-gfx/llgal


I initially reported those two and am in the process of becoming a dev
for the text-markup herd (quizz posted almost a month ago). I'd like to
maintain them, if that is possible. And also dev-tex/rubber, which isn't
in your list but which already has some versions in the portage tree and
still needs a maintainer.


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