Ciaran McCreesh posted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, excerpted
below,  on Sun, 06 Nov 2005 21:47:47 +0000:

> On Sun, 06 Nov 2005 14:38:47 -0700 Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | While I agree with the point you make, I don't believe the apache
> | upgrade issues were announced on the announce list.  The news in the
> | tree thing is a good idea, IMO, but it'll take some time to
> | implement.  "Earth changing" (for some Gentoo users) announcements
> | can and should go to announce -- that's what it's there for.
> Why should every user have to sign up to be spammed with irrelevant
> GLSAs and news items for packages which they do not use?

They shouldn't /have/ to, but the option is there.  Those who care about
security and care about getting a heads-up on "major" changes of this
nature, will find several opportunities to be notified of them.  The
announce list is one.  Lurking the dev list is another.  Reading GWN is a
third, and RSSing or regularly visiting the front page is yet another.

However, as I said, I agree with the point made, and believe something
like this "push" proposal is a /good/ thing.  I'm just not sure how much
I'd /personally/ prioritize it, given that there are plenty of information
sources for those that care, already.  That only means I'd find other
things of higher priority, but just the same, I'm glad /someone/ finds
doing it worthwhile, and I'll be /very/ glad to add it to my list of
information sources, when it eventually becomes available (notification
in depth, to modify a phrase). Until then, however, I'm just saying lets
make the best of what we have, and when there's an announcement of
something big happening, let's ensure it gets to the announce list, among
other places (as it apparently did in this case, I just forgot, as it was
old news already, since I'd seen it on the dev list, one of the reasons I
/read/ the dev list!).

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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