Thierry Carrez wrote:

> Cut the kabbale crap : we felt bad about delaying the GLEP vote for one
> more month, and we also felt bad about pushing the decision while some
> people already complained that revised version wasn't published soon
> enough. The meetings logs are quite clear on this. So we took the median
> way, accept that GLEP with those changes nobody complained about, and
> create policy so that such things won't happen in the future. Apparently
> we were wrong on two accounts :

Why do you feel bad about delaying their GLEP because of a mistake on
their part? Its their responsibility to repost the revised GLEP with
ample time before the meeting so that proper discussion can unfold. You
shouldn't feel bad for them because you would require them to wait
another month.

> - There were people that disagreed with the changes but stayed quiet in
> their corner, waiting for a revised GLEP to appear to make their
> comments, and that were caught short by its publication just before the
> meeting

The subdomain and sharing of an access for r/o cvs access was first
introduced in the revised version of the GLEP which was sent out the day
before the vote. I would have thought that the folks working on the GLEP
would consider asking infra about the logistics of that solution or that
even the council would be curious about that question as well. As far as
I can tell, neither me nor Kurt were contacted directly asking about the
logistics of their revised proposal. I agree with Kurt's previous email
that we're not trying to a pull a "we have the power so we won't do it",
its more about "we were never informed/asked about the logistics of the
revised GLEP and had things voted upon without our proper input.

> - There were people that don't have an opinion on the subject but were
> watching the council for its first bad step to be able to accuse it of
> abuse of power or worse

I certainly hope that's not the case. I respect the council and what
they are trying to do, I just feel that you guys make a big mistake by
letting this through without proper discussion. I would like to see one
or several of the council members speak out with some solution for this
problem we clearly have. What happened, happened.. lets work together to
fix this problem instead of dwelling on the past.

> I won't stand (mostly) alone defending the Council handling of the
> problem, we were just trying to find the most acceptable solution, which
> is what we were elected for. Let the vocal minority reverse that
> decision, I no longer care.

No longer caring about a decision you made? I certainly hope not.

To me, the most acceptable solution considering the circumstances should
have been "They didn't get the revised version out with proper time for
discussion. I think its best that we wait until the next meeting because
of some logistical issues that still need to be addressed in the GLEP."

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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