On Saturday 19 November 2005 00:34, Jakub Moc wrote:

> +1 on this, and please don't touch bugzie aliases, there's enough mess as
> it is (postgresl herd - [EMAIL PROTECTED]; apache herd - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]) If you want to do something useful, then please check
> that you have existing alias in metadata.xml for the ebuilds that you are
> maintaining (to name a few: qt, secure-tunneling or comm-fax is NOT an
> existing alias on bugzilla).

And while you're at it, also set the alias for your herd in the herds.xml 
file. That's where the authoritive mapping is.


ps. If [EMAIL PROTECTED] doesn't exist that is broken, as it's even announced 
the herds file.

Paul de Vrieze
Gentoo Developer
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

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