22.11.2005, 19:13:36, Danny van Dyk wrote:

> Thomas Kirchner schrieb: | I'm against this change, personally.  Stage1 has
> *always* been for | advanced users.  If someone screws up their own system
> (which is possible | in any number of other ways, as well) then it's their
> fault.  Gentoo | isn't about babying users.  It is about choice.  And if
> changing that is | the only way to reduce your workload, well...

> In which way do we take away your ability to choose by moving
> documentation from one place to another one? It's just the aim to not
> include this documentation into the handbook (which ends up on the
> installcds) and to move it out of the scope of ricers.

If you look at http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/faq.xml (How do I Install Gentoo
Using a Stage1 or Stage2 Tarball?) I'd not exactly say that the documentations
has been *moved*. Compare that with the original handbook.



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