22.11.2005, 20:57:15, Chris Gianelloni wrote:

> The idea was to move out the stage1/stage2 docs to somewhere else.  Then
> create some sort of "Advanced Installation Topics" guide or something, to
> list out the replacement procedures for customizing a system from a stage3
> tarball, then, eventually, drop the stage1 and stage2 tarballs.

Erm, did you read what solar wrote about hardened stages and why should stage1
still stay?

> I was working on the idea of doing it all in stages.  The "problem" occurred
> from people freaking out because they didn't bother reading the entire news
> blurb that tells exactly where the instructions moved to, plus links to the
> bug # and discussion.  There's also this nice section in the Handbook.

> "A stage3 tarball is an archive containing a minimal Gentoo environment,
> suitable to continue the Gentoo installation using the instructions in
> this manual. Previously, the Gentoo Handbook described the installation
> using one of three stage tarballs. While Gentoo still offers stage1 and
> stage2 tarballs, the official installation method uses the stage3
> tarball. If you are interested in performing a Gentoo installation using
> a stage1 or stage2 tarball, please read the Gentoo FAQ on How do I
> Install Gentoo Using a Stage1 or Stage2 Tarball?"

That FAQ section has nothing in common with the original stage1 docs. Sorry,
installing stage3 to remove all the use flags cruft subsequently, bootstrap and
re-emerge the system and then ponder which packages are not needed any more
(again, there's no reliable tool to remove unneeded stuff from system, I've
already mentioned this once) - hmmm... :/

And - once stages 1+2 are removed (as you are suggesting above), then I'll
install the system only to build my own stage1 w/ catalyst, then reformat and
start over with my own stage? Ah, that makes live sooo much easier ;p

> Really, everybody is just up in arms over a knee-jerk reaction to not
> reading carefully.  What it boils down to is either not knowing the
> facts, or trolling/flaming.

Why exactly is evaporating stage1 an ultimate goal here (as it seems to me?).
So don't support it, but why it should not exist?



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