On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 04:38:46PM +0300, Alexey Chumakov wrote:
> 3. It is, imho, great moment to implement some i18n together with site
> redesign. Many of us, i18n teams, have to 'clone' and maintain extensive
> community sites just to bypass artificial English-only w.g.o front page
> limitation. I think, it is reducing the amount of international Gentoo
> newbies. Did you consider to take part in the GLEP10 implementation?

You should already be able to convert most of the web site to your language.
Hard-coded lines can be taken out and changed using the inserts-${lang}.xml
method Xavier implemented. Pages at /{main,doc,proj}/en can be translated
and placed at /{main,doc,proj}/${lang}.

      Sven Vermeulen

  Gentoo Foundation Trustee          |  http://foundation.gentoo.org
  Gentoo Documentation Project Lead  |  http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/gdp
  Gentoo Council Member  

  The Gentoo Project   <<< http://www.gentoo.org >>>

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