Chris Lee wrote:

As for 1.38.[01], I will have it committed
to portage when I have some time in the near future, but please be aware
that it will spend some time in ~arch just like every other pacakge.

Better start out with a hard masked package at least for some time! The implications of the (IMHO horrible) upstream failure of maintaining downward compatibility on a distributed application will inevitably hit somebody hard, if we do not prevent emerge -u world from switching one Bacula client or server to 1.38 without taking care of the others...

Probably the only thing we could do about it (as slotting is as impracticable as a network-wide forced upgrade) would be to install 1.38.x to a temporary path, and provide a script to switch it alive manually, to be sure the admins in question have at any rate noticed that they may just be cutting their clients off from the backup system. If you are willing to go that way, I'd lend a hand.

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