Patrick Lauer wrote:

>>Also, why not bring back the "post to -core" requirement? Make it a
>>rule that it can't be labelled as an official Gentoo publication unless
>>it gets some review...
> Why not bring back the "the GWN is a community thing and YOU can also 
> contribute!!!" mentality?
> That Ulrich and I have made some suboptimal decisions in the past is a
> fact, but why aren't there more contributors to the GWN so that we two
> aren't single points of failure?

That doesn't justify the reasoning of misquoting him. This could have
been caught if it would have been sent to -core like its been done in
the past. How can we contribute if you don't post what you're going to
send before you send it?


Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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