On Wed, 2005-11-30 at 23:17 -0600, R Hill wrote:
> All arches other than x86 have made the switch to 3.4 stable already.  They 
> did
> so without problem and without extra docs.  Why does x86, the last to switch,
> need to be special-cased?

From what I understand, most other archs have done the switch from 3.3
to 3.4 by use of a profile switch (Please Correct me if I am wrong). x86
on the other hand is attempting to do so without the profile switch, and
to get it accomplished 'gracefully' w/o great amounts of user effort.
The libstdc++ issue, mentioned earlier) is the only thing I can think of
that is inhibiting out goal.

Later Days
Lares Moreau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  | LRU: 400755 http://counter.li.org
lares/irc.freenode.net                 |
Gentoo x86 Arch Tester                 |               ::0 Alberta, Canada
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