Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> Possible proposal: the current council meeting rules be updated with
> one of the following two clauses:
>>Each person at a council meeting may represent only one voting role.
> Or:
>>A proxy must not be an existing council member, and any single person
>>may not be a proxy for more than one person at any given meeting.

I'm in favor of the latter, especially due to the following advantages :

> * It would allow voters to see how people are likely to behave if they
> are voted in in future elections. (Assumption: many people who are
> appointed as proxies will stand in future elections.)
> * It will lead to increased discussion, which in turn means the council
> is more likely to notice any problems with items on the agenda.

About the disadvantage, the "missing two consecutive meetings" rule for
the slacker points still protects a council member from accidental
last-minute no-proxy failure. And for the meeting itself, the difference
between "missing" and "proxied by an already-present council member" is
not really significant.

> On the same subject, I'd also like to see the "meeting participants"
> table updated to explicitly list proxies, for example in the form
> "jaervosz (for koon)".

Sure, would help toward the advantage #1. Would also help identifying
council members that have a tendancy to miss meetings, to make better
choices in future elections.

Thierry Carrez (Koon)
Recently-proxied council member
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