To all,

After blowing my upgrade window by almost 2 hours bugzilla is back up,
albeit missing the pretty Gentoo theme. I will be putting that in after
I've taken a break, because this upgrade was NOT FUN.

First and foremost I want to thank some people over in #mozwebtools on for their unbelievable help.
        Dave Miller (justdave)
        Gregary Hendricks (ghendricks)
        Justin C. De Vries (cardinal)
These guys single handedly saved me from suicide. 

I know the look of is not what you expected. But i
wanted to get bugs back up and then put in the cosmetic changes after
some time it's been proven to work.

Once again, I apologize for the extended downtime. I will now being
adding "prayer" to my bugzilla upgrade checklist.

Thanks for everyone's patience. I really appreciated t. Wish you all a
happy holidays. Gentoo appreciates t. 


Jeffrey Forman
Gentoo Infrastructure
Gentoo Release Engineering Administrator

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