Carsten Lohrke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> use.local.desc:app-text/ghostscript-afpl:jasper - Enable support for
> jpeg2k (jasper)
> use.local.desc:kde-base/kdegraphics:jpeg2k - Enable support for jpeg2k
> (jasper)
> use.local.desc:kde-base/kdelibs:jpeg2k - Enable support for jpeg2k
> (jasper)
> use.local.desc:net-proxy/ziproxy:jpeg2k - Enable support for jpeg2k
> (jasper)
> use.local.desc:sci-libs/gdal:jasper - Adds support for JPEG 2000
> I was just about adding another one and thought it would be better to merge 
> them to a global jpeg2k use flag. Complains?

Query: Which would be more appropriate in this case? "jasper" for the
library it pulls in as a depend, or "jpeg2k" for the functionality that
library provides? There's nothing else in the tree (as far as I can
tell) which provides JPEG-2000, but there could be.

I used to think romantic love was a neurosis shared by two, a supreme
foolishness. I no longer thought that. There's nothing foolish in
loving anyone. Thinking you'll be loved in return is what's foolish.
  -- Rita Mae Brown

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