On Friday 23 December 2005 16:44, Sven Vermeulen wrote:
> Hi all
> It is with deep regret that I want to inform you about my decision to step
> down from the position of Gentoo Documentation lead.

I just want to say thank you very much for the outstanding work you (and the 
rest of the GDP-team) have done. I think that the quality and quantity of the 
things done by the GDP-team is something that a lot of projects can only 
dream about. (open en closed source software)


> I will remain a member of the Gentoo Documentation Project, hacking away at
> guides such as that bootstrapping one and the Gentoo Handbook, but I hand
> the coördination over to Xavier Neys who was virtually leading the GDP
> anyway and does seem to find a good balance between real-life and
> Gentoo-life :)

I wish Xavier good luck and a lot of fun with the (formalization of) new role 
within the GDP.

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