Carsten Lohrke wrote:
> On Monday 26 December 2005 14:57, Drake Wyrm wrote:
>> You're going to be hard-pressed to get any kind of consensus on this
>> issue. Many dev seems to feel that the license belongs there. In some
>> cases the COPYING, LICENSE, and/or INSTALL files contain, not boilerplate
>> drivel, but actually unique, useful information.

I found that as well, and made sure to only bug people about generic files.  In
most of those cases COPYING/LICENSE is generic while INSTALL was custom.

> Removing these files and relying on LICENSE=foo in the ebuild could be seen 
> as 
> a copyright violation. There are lots of samples in /usr/src/licenses that 
> aren't generic, but include a copyright notice naming the authors of a 
> particular piece of software, but it doesn't match with all packages under 
> this license of course. Take ZLIB as example. Since I'm not a lawyer I might 
> be wrong, but me thinks it would make sense to ask one.

AFAIK most licenses need to be included with the distribution of the source, not
installed on the system after compilation.  But I could be wrong too.


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