On Tuesday 27 December 2005 14:59, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> Do you mind reading and replying to the second paragraph (which happens to
> be the only new information I brought to this thread). Underlining words to
> emphasize a point to me that I've opened by agreeing is really not
> necessary.

I did not want to hurt your feelings by underlining, Jason. :) You missed a 
point in your wording of the digikam example in your first paragraph (while 
implied in the second), though. It's not only that libkexif and libkipi need 
to be rebuilt, but any other application (e.g. showimg) depending on them as 

> You've misunderstand what is meant by "locking ebuild dependencies". I gave
> you a definition in my second paragraph. Please have a re-read.

I did not comment on what you wrote, but on Ciaranm's and Brian's ideas about 
using slot dependencies regarding KDE packages.


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