OK.  Here is my take on profiles and USE.

First of all, the "default-linux/$arch/$relver" profiles will *always*
match what we use to build GRP for the releases.  There's no discussion
here, as this will not be changed.  Adding additional sub-profiles
really is a stupid idea and a waste of developer time.  If a user cannot
put -flag into make.conf, why should we really have to cater to this
level of ignorance?  Point them to the documentation on USE flags and be
done with it.  I mean no offense to anyone, but wasting our limited
development time maintaining n profiles that are all similar is rather
pointless.  If you look at what has been done with profiles recently, we
have been working to make the default-linux/$arch profiles very
minimal/generic, allowing people to create their own profiles that
inherit these minimal profiles.  I don't really think we should spend
the time creating profiles for each of the possible setups our users
could want.  There is a single "desktop" profile right now.  It is the
default profile for each release version.  Making a "Gnome" or "KDE"
profile just opens us up to countless bugs from users wanting *their*
defaults into a profile.  What we end up with is 20 "desktop" profiles
for each architecture and wasting a ton of time.  I would much rather
tell users to read the documentation and have them learn how to maintain
their systems, than try to cater to every whim of every user, since
everyone will want something different.  Perhaps allowing for longer USE
descriptions would work?

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
x86 Architecture Team
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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