On Thu, 5 Jan 2006 23:08:13 +1100
Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I propose removing torsmo and placing a package.move entry so
> that conky will be the logical upgrade (after all it was the same
> code base).

How will users understand what happened to their good old torsmo,
which used to work fine for months but suddenly disapeared after
an "emerge -u world"?

I think it would be better to package.mask it with some comment
like "Deprecated, masked in favor of app-admin/conky", because
that's something emerge reports when it makes world updates fail
(whereas package moves are absolutly silent and implicit).

In short, for me it's just like any other package deprecation,
because actually the "same code base" argument doesn't really
matter from a user point of view.

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