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Lance Albertson wrote:
> Luis Medinas wrote:
>>On Sun, 2006-01-08 at 12:54 -0600, Lance Albertson wrote:
<snip snip>
> I had thought about creating some kind of a site like this, but not
> necessarily in a wiki form. I don't like the idea of letting users add
> random docs. There's too much room for error and how do you deal with
> accountability? There has to be a developer who either will take the
> time to maintain it or accept responsibility for any errors it may have.
> I like the idea of having an area for herds to keep track of their
> internal thing, but I fear it will just end up replacing what the GDP
> (and our www site) does. Its too easy for them to just start adding docs
> there instead of on www because its 'too hard' to deal with guidexml.
> If the issue here is guidexml, lets figure out the problem. We need to
> define what exactly is the problem before we decide on an
> implementation. Is the problem that there's no central place for herds
> to put updates/goals/etc? Is the problem that there's no easy way for
> users to submit new docs for people to use? Is the problem that guidexml
> hampers development time with regard to creating docs and you wish to
> have a better/easier way to create such docs?
> Simply saying 'we need a public wiki' is great an all, but I'd rather
> ask 'What problem(s) does the wiki solve' before we even get farther.
> There might be better ways to solving the problem other than putting up
> a wiki.

I think the big problem with certain pieces of documentation is the fact
A) They change too often for any sort of static webpage.  If I'm writing
portage docs GuideXML is probably not how I want to go, the docs are
essentially fluid for most of the development time, they change often,
entire sections are ripped out and moved as I go.  In that type of case
any sort of static webpage is utterly horrible.  Rather go a wiki route
( or something similar ) to allow easy access & modification.

One could say, build the docs offline and then submit them later for GDP
to stick into GuideXML, but then only I can contribute to them ( myself
not being a developer ).  I guess I could host my own Anon-svn for the
docs while they are being written, but not particularly my cup of tea.

B) Non-developers want to contribute.  The devwiki currently doesn't
allow this, so I ended up asking Patrick at ge.org for an account to
start a wiki there, hoping eventually to move it somewhere else ( or if
events stay as they are, it can stay there )  Not many people want to
make diffs on guideXML ( I know I hate editing it ), and to fix a small
error or add a tidbit, no one wants to file a bug about it.

Those are the two biggest, docs change fast and non-devs want to
contribute to documentation in an easier way.

Problems with any sort of wiki solution thats Gentoo-wide comes down to
people editing projects they know nothing about, and managing
permissions should they be implemented.  I could probably do well
editing the Portage section, but perhaps no so much in any Hardened area
of the wiki.  Problem is maintaining that number of users/permissions is
a nightmare.

But those are the two biggest problems in my estimation.  No one wishes
to impede the GDP here,  Most of the docs I want to write are internal
portage API docs/FAQ/Howto's, and I doubt you will see users pounding on
the door to read them :)

Alec Warner (antarus)
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