Wernfried Haas wrote:

> So you complain about a problem that is already fixed as if it still
> exists? I really don't get it.

That particular bug was fixed.  Using a stage1/bootstrap approach for a
fresh install is a _method_ of installing gentoo that is immune to that
particular bug because it is a much simpler, more reliable method of
installing gentoo.
> Your tests are - if i may say so - completely flawed. You disregard
> the fact that the basic installation time of stage 3 is much lower
> than the one of stage 1. Unpack the bugger, compile a kernel, that's
> it. Not much trouble to be expected either - differently to stage 1.

No, it _can_ be, but is not guaranteed to be.  If you have to upgrade glibc,
for example, it will always take longer.  My tests documented the _exact_
procedure anyone would need to go through to get a system installed,
according to the official handbook, at that point in time.
> Furthermore problems with upgrading gcc after the install are most
> likely easier to solve than a bailed out stage 1.

They most certainly are not.
> It simply isn't, it's slower (see above) and more things can break.
> If you want hard proof, go search bugzilla, but don't make us do it
> for you.

So what date should we choose to make your statement true?  Cause it ain't
today.  One week after the 2005.1 or 2005.1-r1 stages were released it
might have been, but today it is simply not true.  The reality is that
today it takes twice the time to get the most recent stage3 up to the
current toolchain.  Your assertion might be true for a couple of weeks, a
month at the most.  Depending on what has been moved to stable after the
stage tarball was released.
> I have to admit i often did stage 1 installs because i found it quite
> funny and a good way to test new hardware. Fact is, stage 1 went away
> for some reasons and we'll just have to get over it. If you really
> care that much about Gentoo as you claim, accept the decisions of the
> people behind the stages and try to help improving the supported stage
> 3 install.

The stage3 install needs to be ditched for anything other than GRP  or
livecd installs, because face it, that is what it is.  It consists of a
generic system precompiled for desktop use.  The toolchain is literally
years behind most of the other major distributions (nptl and gcc version). 
If users don't want to "waste time compiling" they don't need to be using
gentoo in the first place.

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