17.2.2006, 0:23:49, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

> On Fri, 17 Feb 2006 00:14:42 +0100 Jakub Moc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | 16.2.2006, 23:58:41, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

> | 
> | What are you talking about? commonbox is listed as maintainer of that
> | stuff, it's been broken for years, you neither fixed it or bothered
> | to remove it from portage, nor did you at least re-assign that to
> | maintainer-needed and remove yourself from metadata.xml.

> You should probably go and read herds.xml sometime.

Or maybe you should, rather...

$ herdstat commonbox
Herd:            commonbox
Email:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Description:     Blackbox and derivative works
Developers(5):   ciaranm gothgirl ka0ttic pyrania superlag


> | You asked me to send last rites, I did, noone cares about that stuff
> | - so will you finally punt the broken thing, instead of this
> | pointless trolling?? Or should I CC QA on that bug, so that someone
> | else will do it if you don't want to?

> bbapm is only a small part of the problem. If you're going to do
> something, do it properly. Stop wasting other people's time by doing it
> piecemeal and getting it wrong.

It's exactly your job, TBH. So far you've done nothing in this regard,
except for wasting other people's time and keeping broken POS in portage.

> | | That's exactly the link you provided in |
> http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20201#c7 so why on earth | should I
> try to look harder?

> Well, I *was* expecting you to use a bit of common sense when handling
> the issue.

Blah blah blah.... will you post the link referring to that "flamefest"
you've been mentioning over and over again? Apparently not. So - this has
nothing to do with common sense and everything to do with your trolling.



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