27.2.2006, 21:37:09, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

> On Mon, 27 Feb 2006 20:26:10 +0000 Stuart Herbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> | On Mon, 2006-02-27 at 17:08 +0000, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
| >> Abuse from people like you whenever someone finally gets brave
| >> enough to document all the ways in which webapp-config is broken.
> | 
> | This isn't the first time we've heard this tune from you, and alas I
> | fear it won't be the last.
> | 
> | You know where bugzilla is.  You know how to contact any of the
> | webapp-config maintainers via email, or via IRC.  We're ready to
> | listen to your input, and to work with you (or anyone else) on fixing
> | any genuine problems that webapp-config has.  The more feedback we
> | get, the better we can make this package for everyone's enjoyment.

> Then please start with bug 120088. Once that one's fixed we'll go from
> there.

<rhetorical question>
May I ask how is that related to webapp-config?
</rhetorical question>

You can't escape this way... so don't even try. You've been talking about
broken webapp-config, then go ahead and show us the breakage. If there's
nothing you have to say in that respect, then just rather stick foot in your
mouth next time you are going to assault someone.


Best regards,

 Jakub Moc
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