On Tuesday 28 February 2006 11:39, Jakub Moc wrote:
> 28.2.2006, 17:24:21, Danny van Dyk wrote:
> > If you don't agree with the contents, why didn't you raise your
> > opposition earlier?
> I don't feel any need to raise opposition against some unofficial manual,
> what would be the point in that? I'm raising my hand against silently 
> incorporating parts of it (that affect a lot of stuff in the tree) into
> official docs without a proper discussion, even more so that they are being
> claimed as an official QA policy now. Documents located in private devspace
> of some devs are non-official and noone checks their contents for
> correctness, they are private activity of those devs.

input was solicited from the developer community before about ciaranm's 
unofficial manual with notes that the plan was to incorporate it piece by 
piece into the official dev handbook
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