Dan Armak wrote: [Mon Mar 27 2006, 03:25:04PM EST]
> Option 1: KDE only displays KDE apps, Gnome only Gnome apps. How do we decide 
> what is displayed in both ('neutral' apps)? Can the user edit the menu, and 
> include some things we don't include by default, in a WM-neutral way? What 
> should WMs other than KDE and Gnome display by default?
> Option 2: always display everything. Problems: huge menu. KDE and Gnome and 
> others use different categorization. A change of the status quo, so user 
> community should get a chance to veto. And when using descriptions as primary 
> menu text (e.g. 'Text editor' instead of 'kwrite'/'gedit') some KDE and Gnome 
> programs have similar or identical descriptions, which looks bad to new 
> users.

Instead of choosing one or the other option, how about simply choosing
a default (and I'd suggest #2 personally, but that's just my opinion).
Then use an eselect module to allow system-level and user-level
customization regarding which classes to display in which places.

For example, there are Gnome, KDE and X progs, three classes at least.
(I know there are others; hopefully the design could handle an
arbitrary number.)  So it would be nice to be able to say:
    - In Gnome I want to see everything
    - In KDE I want to only see KDE stuff
    - but user "george" chooses to see everything in KDE

It sounds complex but maybe it could be made to work?


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