Allen Rohner wrote:
I have been a Gentoo user for several years, but this is my first step into gentoo development. I'm looking at the feasability of using gentoo for a product at work. Is it possible to use a Gentoo host machine to create a linux 'image' (ramdisk/ext2fs/iso) that does not contain portage or gcc? I have looked at several embedded gentoo web pages, and am familiar with the "ROOT=/opt/image emerge busybox dropbear" type command line, but all of the examples I've seen create a portage tree on the image. Additionally, getting past is painful.

I am looking to use Gentoo to create a standard x86 environment complete with apache and X, but with no gcc or portage on the target machine. Additionally, use the same technique to cross-compile to a ppc embedded system.

Is this possible? Is it a good idea?

Allen Rohner
dev-util/catalyst is the tool used to build Gentoo's official LiveCDs. Despite being ~arch, >=catalyst-2 works fairly well as far as I know.
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