Hello fellow developers,

It's that time of the <insert whatever works for you here> where I send
off an email reminding people on what not to do when bumping versions
of packages when it comes to keywords.

1) Please do not drop arch keywords without notifying the arch teams of
   why (bugs are often the preferred notification method).
2) If possible, attempt to work with us before dropping our keywords.

We normally don't bite unless people miss the above steps or the
developer's nickname is geoman.

In the really off chance that you've just had a run-in with a Vorgon
poetry session and are thinking that this email is really for the birds,
please consult your friendly neighborhood developer handbook as this is
all in there too.

Remember, only you can save the goats from jforman.

Jason Wever
Gentoo/Sparc Team Co-Lead

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