Marius Mauch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Grant Goodyear schrieb:
> >Some questions that need to be answered:
> >
> >* Can the repo be converted while maintaining the history?
> >* How long does a full checkout take?  
> >* How much disk space does a full checkout require?
> >* Is there a viewcvs equivalent available?
> >* Others that I can't think of right now?  (Please feel free to add.)
> Right now portage and repoman have no support for using anything but cvs 
> or rsync for the tree, e.g. repoman commit wouldn't work. Not hard to 
> fix, but something to keep in mind.

Rsync could still be used to deliver up-to-date tree's to people.

Changing the process would of course require backend changes to our

The quesion is what is best for the job, and then implement it.


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