Philip Webb wrote:
>>> Any stable version of KDE will need  kdelibs kdebase ,
>>> but otherwise why can't the packages be made stable
>>> at least as each big downloadable file becomes ready, if not individually ?
>> Because they have to be stable at once. Period.
>> Can't go stable piece by piece. Period.
>> Can't. Period.
> Again, you're simply repeating yourself without any attempt to explain.
> Can anyone else offer an explanation for the claim
> that all KDE packages (for one version) have to be stabilised together ?

Look - every such mail defers stabilizing KDE, it's getting really
annoying. No, they can't and won't be stabilized on a piece-by-piece
basis, that would result in failed dependencies and compilation
failures. Period, no need to discuss this. This has never been done,
can't be done now and won't be done in future. The whole KDE shebang
needs to go stable at once, together with many other non-KDE ebuilds
that it depends on. So please, stop wasting limited time of limited
number of Gentoo KDE maintainers by beating a dead horse.


Best regards,

 Jakub Moc
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