On Sun, 07 May 2006 21:51:21 +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

> On Sun, 07 May 2006 16:08:52 -0400 Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | In fact, the only REALLY negative thing that
> | happened was when Ciaran ripped me a new a---hole because he objected
> | to the line spacing I used in a proposed ebuild.
> No, I closed your bug as WONTFIX and invited you to reopen it with
> fixed ebuilds, as is standard practice for maintainer-wanted things. In
> amongst all the other noise on m-w, you aren't significant enough to
> warrant a more substantial response. 

But you felt it worthwhile to write this rant anyway. Thanks! I appreciate

> If you want to contribute, you're
> going to have to get used to the fact that nobody is here to do your
> work for you and that we don't have time to babysit a spoilt brat who
> likes throwing his rattle out of the pram when he's asked to bring his
> ebuilds in line with the rest of the tree.

Grow up, Ciaran. What is the "we" you're referring to?
> | Personally, I will not miss Ciaran and his "I can kill you with my
> | brain." I was not impressed, or scared!
> Nor, from the looks of things, did you notice that it was a humourous
> quote rather than a threat. But then, you seem to enjoy jumping to
> absurd conclusions based upon the delusion that anyone cares enough to
> be out to get you. Tell me, are you sure you're not another one of
> Lovechild's alteregos?

No. I was commenting on your obvious conceit.
> --
> Ciaran McCreesh : Committee to abduct and torture Peter Hyman (chairman)
> Mail            : ciaran dot mccreesh at blueyonder.co.uk

Ohhhh. I'm shaking in my boots!

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