Simon Stelling wrote: [Tue May 09 2006, 06:32:48AM CDT]
> Is there really a story behind it that can be explained? If so, I'd be 
> curious too, but I doubt there's a "real" story. Larry and the UFO guy 
> just came up at some time, people got used to them and even liked them. 

Actually, they aren't contemporaries at all.  We've had "Znurt", the UFO
guy, since the beginning.
I'm pretty sure that drobbins created him, but I don't know anything
else about him.

As for Larry, my (possibly incorrect) recollection is that drobbins
swiped the image from an open-source font for that infamous poster.
I've no idea where the name came from, but after a discussion about
Larry's gender we had an e-mail from an author of a comic who had "Larry
the cow" as a character (quite unknown to drobbins) who was amused at
the coincidence.  (That author also gave us permission to continue using
the name, if it were to turn out that we needed it.)  I don't seem to
have that e-mail archived, so if anybody else does, please let me know.

> Trying to explain why we have a cow's face on a 404 page or trying to 
> explain why we like Larry is like trying to explain a love story: You 
> just can't without everybody looking strange at you afterwards.


Grant Goodyear  
Gentoo Developer
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