Mike Frysinger wrote:
 > you get awfully personal awfully fast dont you
> well, you've clearly never met me before, so why dont you learn to
keep stupid
> and uniformed remarks to yourself, k ?

As I previously said, that was only supposed to go to you and not to the
list in general.

Yes, I got personal very fast. My feelings were hurt and I allowed my
emotions to get the better of me in (what I intended to be)  a private
email. Again, I apologize for that. I should have been more mature about
it instead of jumping off like that.

I approached you once before about the gay jokes and your reply was that
you have a gay roommate and you just sort of brushed it off. I will tell
you now what I should have told you back then:

I don't mind gay jokes, I love gay jokes. I DO mind the constantly
saying "That's gay" as a put down. You obviously mean it to be demeaning
like being gay is "Less than", something to be laughed at or something.

Every time you (or anyone else for that matter) say "that's gay" as a
put down it hurts my feelings. Will you please stop saying it?

> i'm assuming you're referring to Bug 131943 ... which wasnt filed by you or 
> assigned to you ... looks like a general documentation bug to me
> since the about page was pretty much neutered of any relevant Gentoo
> information, my closing of it was pretty logical

Difference in interpretation I suppose. It was assigned to "Website
www.gentoo.org". I'm www.gentoo.org (along with some other people). I
think of it the same way you think of the games herd. Not that it's
"Your's" but if someone were to randomly come along and close game bugs
that they had nothing previously to do with and that wasn't in the games
herd, wouldn't you get a little miffed? Especially if they made a remark
that seemed to you to be rude when they closed it?

 > you really need to get out of this mind frame of the website being
> it isnt "yours", nor is it "mine"
> it belongs to Gentoo
> -mike

I never said the website "Belonged to me". However, I am on the team
that is working on it so I have a personal connection to it. Not that
that makes it "Mine" in any way but I do feel protective of it just like
I'm sure you feel about E17 or any of your other projects.

In fact, I think I've been pretty open to suggestions and input from the
developer community on most of the major issues. Also, I specifically
redefined my entire role in this project so that I could work more
closely with Infra, neysx and all the other devs that manage our
websites. Inviting all those other people to directly help me with the
redesign project is something I did specifically because it *isn't* mine
and I needed more active input from other devs to help guide it down the
proper path.

I'm sorry if I changed the pages without asking first. That's what this
all boils down too. I got sick of looking at that poster and was making
a change to the way the headers worked anyway (in conjunction with
neysx) so I just changed it. I didn't ask first and neysx didn't know
anything about it. I did post a news item though, I didn't just secretly
change it and not say anything.

So I'm asking now, if I figure out a cool way to work Larry into the
"Classic" design can I take down the poster? Or at the very least change
the poster to type and just use the little Larry logo? Please? I'm
begging you? With whipped cream and a cherry?


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