On Wed, May 17, 2006 at 03:17:33PM +0200, Kristian Gavran wrote:
> Why reinvent the wheel?!?
> Gentoo has a really nice wiki: <http://gentoo-wiki.com/Main_Page>

A wiki is more of a documentation system than a knowledge base. I think some
KBs could very well employ a wiki as back-technology for writing the
articles. But a KB is more strict in its writing: it can have a fixed layout
(like "title, synopsis, environment, analysis, solution" [1]), allows for
additional metadata (keywords, references to other articles, point-system
per query, ...) and focuses more on its search technology than on the

      Sven Vermeulen

[1] This is actually what I had in mind for the Gentoo KB

  Gentoo Foundation Trustee          |  http://foundation.gentoo.org
  Gentoo Council Member  

  The Gentoo Project   <<< http://www.gentoo.org >>>

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