On Thu, 18 May 2006 22:39:20 +0200 Paul de Vrieze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > Except that by that definition, Paludis *is* a primary package
| > manager.
| It is capable of being a primary package manager. On gentoo it is not
| the primary package manager as that requires a council decision. Such
| a decision would amount to deprecating portage.

No, it's a choice best left up to the users. Ignoring Paludis and
pretending it doesn't exist won't make it go away.

| > | What he is driving it at is that either paludis is an alternative
| > | (yet on disk compatible) primary, or it's a secondary- you keep
| > | debating the compatibility angle, thus the logical conclussion is
| > | that it's a secondary.
| >
| > We're an alternative, not entirely on disc compatible primary.
| This means that you could choose to meet the requirements that I am
| currently writing down in GLEP shape for package managers that desire
| to replace portage as the primary package manager. Those requirements
| can be met, but would limit the freedom choise of implementation of
| the package manager.

GLEPs are to *Enhance*, not to hold back.

| > Design choice. We chose not to continue with previous design
| > mistakes that exist only because of limitations in Portage's dep
| > resolver where we can do so without requiring ebuild changes.
| This is a valid design choise. It does however mean that paludis
| perhaps can not meet the requirements for being a replacement for
| portage as gentoo primary package manager.

You could come up with a requirement saying that "any replacement for
Portage must have an 'o' in its name". Wouldn't make it a valid
requirement. Fact is, Paludis can be used as and is being used as a
primary package manager.

Ciaran McCreesh
Mail            : ciaran dot mccreesh at blueyonder.co.uk

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