Since there were no objections the darcs.eclass is now in the main tree.

On Thu, 2006-05-18 at 22:58 +0100, Duncan Coutts wrote:
> Just like we have eclasses for cvs, tla etc, kosmikus has written one
> that does the same thing but for darcs.
> Darcs (dev-util/darcs) is one of the new breed of distributed source
> control systems. Many projects are now maintaining their development
> sources in darcs, hence the utility of this eclass:
> kosmikus adapted it from the cvs and tla eclasses. We've been using it
> for some time in the Haskell team's overlay and we've had a request to
> include it in the main tree.
> That request includes an implementation but we're proposing our own
> implementation that is a bit more sophisticated and has already been
> tested with a few *-darcs ebuilds.
> So we'd like to have people's opinion/comments on this going into the
> tree and of course we would appreciate code review etc.

Duncan Coutts : Gentoo Developer (Haskell team lead)
email         : dcoutts at gentoo dot org

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