Peter wrote: [Thu May 25 2006, 07:00:16AM CDT]
> On Thu, 25 May 2006 12:34:13 +0100, Stephen Bennett wrote:
> snip...
> > "at a minimum such credit will appear where any other comparable
> > authorship credit appears and in a manner at least as prominent as such
> > other comparable authorship credit."
> > 
> > Two names are credited on the front page. One is conspicuously absent,
> > despite having done the vast majority of the original work.
> > 
> The two names listed are as editors. Plainly, clearly. Ciaranm is clearly
> listed alone as a main contributor and author. His name is more
> conspicuous than any other. Not to mention on the contributors page where
> is name is......first?

I could be wrong, but I believe your statement misses the point that
ciaranm actually raised.  The passage he quoted seems to be fairly

  " a minimum, such credit will appear where any other comparable
   authorship credit appears and in a manner at least as prominent as
   such other comparable authorship credit."

I would read that passage as suggesting that the document cannot have a
section titled "Authors" on the first page that lists only the current
editors and also a "contributors" page in an appendix that lists all of the
original authors.  

Incidentally, there seems to be an implicit
assumption that ciaranm posted his message because he felt that he had
not been properly credited.  His actual e-mail was polite, gracious, and
to the point, which was that the CC-SA license was probably violated.
Nowhere was there any whining about not getting the appropriate credit.
(On the other hand, I don't mind doing so.  I was certainly a tad taken
aback to discover that my name was not listed in the section titled

Finally, the whole issue goes away by either changing the heading on that
first page from "Authors" to "Maintainers" or "Editors", or by adding
the list of contributors back to this page.  It's not exactly rocket
science, folks.

Grant Goodyear  
Gentoo Developer
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