Mark Loeser wrote: [Thu May 25 2006, 12:39:56PM CDT]
> I changed "Authors" to be "Editors".  I hope that will kill some of the
> controversy.

Thanks.  That should certainly satisfy the license, and I, at least,
appreciate it.

> Ciaran, we recognized you on the front page and appreciate everything
> you did.  We cut the author list from the front page because it was
> getting incredibly long and we didn't feel it should take up that much
> room.  The only reason Tim and myself are listed there is because we are
> the ones maintaining it now, and want people to be able to easily find
> who they should contact about changes.

For what it's worth, I never suspected otherwise.  (Nor, I suspect, did
ciaranm, although I haven't asked him.)  Despite the lack of any
intentional malice, however, I do happen to believe that removing the
author list from the front page is a serious error that is worth fixing.
Giving people appropriate credit for writing documentation is just the
right thing to do, and that credit shouldn't be buried somewhere.
Indeed, my recollection was that a fair amount of thought went into
where the author list should go when drobbins created our documentation

That said, I would certainly agree that a long list of authors, with one
author per line, down the center of the page would, indeed, not look so
good.  A simple set of names (with links to the contributors page which
provides additional detail, perhaps) would suffice, I'd think:


  Ciaran McCreesh, Grant Goodyear, Aaron Walker, Robert Coie, Tom
  Martin, Paul Varner, Ilya Volynets-Evenbakh, Diego Patteno Fernando J.
  Pareda, Simon Stelling, Alin Dobre, and Joseph Jezak

Seem reasonable?

Grant Goodyear  
Gentoo Developer
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