On Thu, Jun 01, 2006 at 03:00:13PM -0500, Grant Goodyear wrote:
> Paul de Vrieze wrote: [Thu Jun 01 2006, 02:44:39PM CDT]
> > I would like the council to discuss GLEP 49 as has been discussed on
> > the list some weeks ago. It is about the package manager requirements.
> Incidentally, I drafted a competing GLEP that I posted to -dev
> (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) that was either
> overlooked in the rest of that thread or ignored because people
> considered it to be useless; I'm not sure which.  In any event, I just
> want to bring it to the council's attention as an alternative approach.

Realize you'ure after keeping it open, but there is more to the tree 
then just ebuilds- 
1) what sparked it all: profiles
2) metadata/glsa,
3) version ordering between ebuilds (is 1.06 greater then 1.051?  
Answer might surprise you ;)

Etc- potential food for thought...

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