excerpted below, on  Sat, 03 Jun 2006 10:43:39 -0400:

> 6.  Packages slated for removal shall have a 30 day period in 
> package.mask prior to removal.  This is tree cleaner policy, and it's 
> one that I hope other developers will adopt.  I've seen things pmasked 
> and removed after a week, a "couple of days", or just pmasked and never 
> removed.  The 30 day period allows everyone using the package to see the 
> masking message and the corresponding bug when they use portage.

What about changing this to "a minimum 30 day period after dev-list
last rites notification prior to removal, a minimum 3 day period between
dev-list notification and masking, and a minimum 2 week period in

The idea should be obvious, provide a bit of time after notification
before masking, as anyone stepping up in this period will minimize
disruption to the tree, while maintaining a reasonable post mask period
and a minimum 30 day overall period.

This is based on the various notifications and varied timings I've seen
here, as the proposal in general seems to be as well.  Both would
standardize things a bit, but this change would minimize disruption to the
tree if someone stepped up before masking.

Either way, good idea; a betterment of Gentoo, I agree.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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