On Tue, 2006-06-13 at 15:31 +0200, Molle Bestefich wrote:
> Hi
> Follow-up question to the backup thingy.
> Is there an easy way to share Portage's database between multiple
> virtual machines?
> Optimally, I would emerge --sync and the results would land in a
> filesystem that I'd share between VMs, so I don't have to do emerge
> --sync in each and all of them.  The filesystem could perhaps be
> readonly to the virtual machines, except for the one doing the --sync
> of course.
> (Currently, I run emerge --sync in all virtual machines.)

I current use NFS to share my portage tree at home.  All you need is to
store the portage tree on one machine.  I would suggest the actual
machine the virtual machines run on, rather than the virtual machines
themselves, but you really can put them anywhere.  You want the tree to
be writable, too, so that you can sync from any machine and also because
of distfiles.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
x86 Architecture Team
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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