Ned Ludd wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-06-13 at 18:26 +0200, Henrik Brix Andersen wrote:
>>  I have a problem with it being an official project hosted on
>> *, as I fear most users will think "hey, it's official,
>> it's hosted on * - it can't be that bad". Judging from the
>> few users who have posted to the previous threads on this subject, my
>> fear seems to be reasonable.
>> If the project was to be hosted on a non * domain (I'll let
>> infra comment on whether or not non * domains can be hosted
>> on infra hardware) my current issues with this project would be gone.
> Would moving it from overlays.g.o to, 
> help ? It could then be viewed 
> officially unofficial as the tinderboxing repository's I've 
> been working on.

I like the idea, helps to differentiate a bit. Though - frankly said I
don't really understand what's this paranoia about. You don't have
control over users' systems. There are tons of overlays users are using
daily [1] - but obviously according to some people the one like Sunrise
must definitely be the worst overlay ever, which will just make users
boxes massively explode in smoke, kill Gentoo, all its reputation and
half of the near universe. The main reason being that it's been hosted
on and hence it's obviously official and we must
guarantee that it will be 130% working and won't bring a single bad byte
on users' boxes, otherwise - wheeeeee kaboooom, the end of the world!


> Personally I know I would like to have a place to park 
> pic, iconv, nls patches in testing, and embedded-kernels that are say 
> vital for some devices but for one reason or another should not be in 
> the official tree.

Erm, better host it somewhere else, you'll save yourself trouble and it
will be more effective.

>> If the project proves to be healthy and not affect the reputation of
>> Gentoo in a bad way, we could consider adopting it as an official
>> project after a period of time.
> Or not?

Shrug... The question is whether the maintainers will be interested in
becoming an official project or if they'll just choose to save
themselves the trouble.

Getting tired of this thread, really. Talk about too much ado for
nothing. So, how about we stop wasting time, let people who are
interested to do something do it, and the rest of us can focus on more
important stuff than endless debates on mailing list and bothering
Gentoo Council - such as fixing current bugs and cleaning the dead cruft
in the tree, or fixing things not yet ported for modular X, or unported
for gcc-4.x, or whatever else?

Mailing list threads that don't fix one screen resolution suck, you can
expect another funding request from blubb any time soon, it seems. :P

Best regards,

 Jakub Moc
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