On Sat, Jun 17, 2006 at 05:31:19PM +0200, foser wrote:
> It doesn't become an official Gentoo project by being run by 'official'
> Gentoo developers. There is no such thing as 'semi-official' and as such
> the move away from the gentoo domain indicates it has nothing to do with
> Gentoo and makes this part of the several third-party Gentoo ebuild
> sites around. Good luck with that, but don't try to put a Gentoo
> stamp-of-approval on it.

I agree with foser on this. You are of course free to run Project
Sunrise on non *.gentoo.org - this is what I have suggested all along
- but this also means that the project is not official.

Meanwhile, we've had an interesting brain-storm in #gentoo-userrel on
freenode IRC about other ways to improve the user-developer
relations. Stay tuned for more information.

Henrik Brix Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Metadistribution | Mobile computing herd

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