060618 Roy Marples wrote:
> On Sunday 18 June 2006 17:12, Mike Frysinger wrote:
>> On Sunday 18 June 2006 04:32, Philip Webb wrote:
>>> I suspect most users wb happy to see packages stabilised a bit sooner,
>>> even if they're only  95 %  reliable (another smile).
>> people are *not* happy when their machine cannot boot
> Are you implying that there are bugs with baselayout-1.12.1
> that stop the machine booting?
> If so, please give me some bug numbers to look at.

There is something not quite right about 'testing/stable' as it exists now
-- no, repeat no, criticism of hardworking developers implied -- :
might it help everyone if instead we had 'testing/desktop/server' ?
'testing' = genuinely newly unmasked & awaiting willing users to test;
'desktop' = generally reliable, but might occasionally trip you up;
'server' = believed wholly reliable for the most demanding duties.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,  Philip Webb : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto
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