Thierry Carrez wrote:

Those were nominated but did not (yet) confirm their participation :


Arrr me mateys!

err, that's not until Sept. bad. Reading over the current nominees, the field looks pretty varied. It'll be a fun race. So I suppose I'll throw my hat into the mix to make the race even more fun!

My campaign pledges:

 - Pikachu Petting zoo (great for kids)
 - Cement mixer in the lavatory (don't ask)
 - Orange sherbert dispenser in the lounge (after we expand it to
   accommodate all the other proposed vending machines)

But the best is for last: A MIPS Roller coaster!
        - 4 different styles of roller coaster with 3 separate tracks each
        - One track will be simple, yet quite mundane, another semi-functional,
          but a bit unstable, and the third wholly untested.
        - They'll range in size from some of the biggest coasters you've ever
          seen to some being embedded in the lounge (after expansion, of course)
        - All the parts will be requisitioned from eBay, so the price should be
          quite cheap.


Gentoo/MIPS Team Lead
Gentoo Foundation Board of Trustees

"Such is oft the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: small hands do them because they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere." --Elrond
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