> > I like to try bleeding edge beta versions. But I hate that if I will
> > install for example the new firefox 2 beta via portage, it will
> > the current stable version. I would prefer to have a stable version
> > daily work and the beta version for testing purposes at the same
time on
> > my system. Therefore I would propose to introduce a policy, which
> > each ebuild with the suffix _alpha, _beta or _pre have to be
> >
> >
> > Best Regards
> > Sebastian Noack
> >
> Not feasable.  You have 2 possible ways of doing it though. one is to
> use a chroot to test these things, and the other is to take a quickpkg
> of the stable version and emerge -k when you're done testing the
> bleeding edge stuff.

The first possibility is crap, because of I would need another entire
Gentoo system on my machine which I can chroot into and did you ever
tried to get X run out of a chroot environment? Well, it is possible but
it needs a lot of work to have a complete redundant functional chroot
test environment on your system. Than I would rather prefer to compile
the corresponding package by my self and pass
--prefix=/usr/bleeding_edge/ to the configure script.

And the second possibility you mentioned is also an ugly solution,
because of I would have to rollback the stable version by quickpkg every
time after testing the beta and vice versa.

Sebastian Noack

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